Youth Division (ages 7 – 10) is designed to train students in preparation of moving to more advanced levels at SNHDT. The focus of our highly trained faculty is to develop technique, flexibility and strength of each student while building on their basic ballet vocabulary. No previous experience required!

Recreational Division (ages 10 – 18) is for our recreational students wishing to further their love of dance while learning in a caring and nurturing environment. Our faculty will help foster each student’s technical and artistic skills in every class.

Studied in Ballet’s traditional form and structure, classes are graded by age and the dancer’s ability. Proper body alignment, classical line, musicality and ballet vocabulary are emphasized at all levels.

The ballet syllabus at SNHDT is based on the classical Russian tradition and is further enhanced by the ideas and concepts of several other major methods and syllabi of training (i.e. Balanchine, Bournonville, Ceccehetti, and RAD).

Young students are taught the basic elements of classical ballet that are common to all major syllabi. Intermediate level students are later introduced to the number of varying styles that exist among some of the major methods of training. Our more universal approach enables our students to be prepared for the eclectic demands of the dance world today.

In Beginner Pointe, dancers are introduced to the fundamentals of learning how to dance on their toes in pointe shoes.  The study of pointe technique (at all levels) encompasses both the mechanical and artistic aspects of pointe work. Emphasized at all levels of pointe are proper body alignment, placement of the feet and the manner in which a dancer transitions to and from flat to releve en pointe. Participation in any pointe class requires permission from the instructor. The minimum required study for beginner pointe class is three regular ballet technique classes per week.  Dancers must attend the ballet technique class immediately proceeding pointe class.

Graded by age and ability, the Modern dance syllabus at SNHDT incorporate the teachings and styles of Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Jose Limon and Lester Horton to name a few. Movement theories and steps common to all forms of modern and contemporary dance are also introduced and further explored at upper levels. Intermediate and advanced students are challenged by increased complexity and length of sequence, constant level change, improv and use of non-traditional phrasing.

Beginner Jazz focuses on developing strong lines, technique, a command of proper terminology and an understanding of the body’s center of movement. This class will also explore basic Broadway Theater dance and some Contemporary movement. Theater Dance is what is seen in Musicals such as Chorus Line, 42nd Street and High School Muscial. Contemporary dance is the style of jazz that is often seen on shows such as “So You Think You Can Dance”.

Intermediate / Advanced Levels of Jazz focuses on developing strong lines, technique, a command of proper terminology and an understanding of the body’s center of movement. Intermediate and Upper Levels will explore both the Broadway Theater dance, contemporary movement and Hip-Hop styles of Jazz. The Broadway style is that which is seen in Musicals such as Chorus Line, 42nd Street and High School Muscial. Hip-Hop is the style of jazz that is often seen in music videos today. Contemporary dance is the style of jazz that is often seen on shows such as “So You Think You Can Dance”.

Graded by age and ability, the Tap program incorporates a blend of both buck and rhythm tap styles. These classes will emphasize technique, terminology, precision and strong rhythmic skills.

All Hip-Hop classes are age appropriate classes and are designed for students with or without formal dance training. These upbeat classes will focus on rhythm, isolations, freestyle and choreography similar to that seen in music videos today.



Beg = Beginner
Int = Intermediate
Adv = Advanced



Ballet 1
Wed – 5:15pm (1 hr)
Sat – 8:30am (1 hr)

Mon – 3:45pm (45min)

Modern – Beginner
Thur – 4pm (1 hr)

Tap – Beginner
Tues – 5:00pm (45min)
Sat – 12:15pm (45min)

Jazz – Beginner
Tues – 6:00pm (1 hr)



Ballet 2
Sat – 9:30am (1 hr)

Wed – 5:15pm (1 hr)

Mon – 3:45pm (45min)

Modern – Beginner
Thur – 4pm (1 hr)

Tap – Adv. Beginner
Tues – 4:00pm (1 hr)

Jazz – Beginner
Tues – 6:00pm (1 hr)



Ballet 3
Wed – 4:45pm (1.25 hrs)

Hip-Hop – Beg/Int
(age 7-10)
Mon – 3:45pm (45min)

Hip-Hop – Int
(age 9-12)
Tues – 4:15pm (45min)

Modern – Beg/Int
Mon – 6pm (1.25 hrs)

Tap – Adv. Beginner
Tues – 4:00pm (1 hr)

Jazz – Adv/Beg
Thur – 5:30pm (1 hr)



Hip-Hop – Int
(age 9-12)
Tues – 4:15pm (45 min)

Hip-Hop – Adv
Tues – 5pm (1 hr)

Tap – Adv/Beg
Tues – 4pm (1 hr)

Tap – Int
Thurs – 7:45pm (1 hr)

Tap – Adv
(call for placement)
Thurs – 5pm (1 hr)

Jazz – Adv/Beg
Thurs – 5:30pm (1 hr)

Jazz – Int
(age 10+)
Thurs – 6:30pm (1.25 hrs)

Contemporary Jazz
(age 12+)
Mon – 6pm (1.5 hrs)

Modern – Beg/Int
(age 10+)
Mon – 6pm (1.25 hrs)


Tuition – by Class Monthly / Bi-Monthly
1/2 hour $70 / $140
3/4 hour $75 / $150
1 hour $78 / $156
1.25 – 1.5 hrs $80 / $160
Tuition – Unlimited! Ages Bi-Monthly
Level 1, 2, & 3 7 -10 $500.00

With our flat rate system, you are given the flexibility to take as many classes at the student’s level or lower levels as desired! There is no additional cost to participate in extra classes. In order to enhance student confidence and advancement, we encourage enrollment in multiple classes!

For students enrolled in classes that meet from September to June, all tuition is paid bimonthly. This is the years tuition divided into five equal payments and is paid every other month. Tuition amounts are based on the duration or length of the class. Unlimited tuition is based on students level. All bimonthly tuition is automatically billed to you credit card or bank account and is paid September 1st, November 1st, January 1st, March 1st and May 1st.

Register online, by phone at (603) 625-9272 or in person at our studios. Please feel free to call with any questions. We are always happy to help you!

Tuition Policies

ALL TUITION PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Any and all cancellations or withdrawals require a 30-day notification and are subject to a cancellation or early withdrawal fee. Refunds are not given for classes missed or unattended. We recommend students make-up any canceled or missed classes by attending another class of similar level & duration or as recommended by your instructor. As a reminder, bimonthly tuition is the year’s tuition divided into 5 equal payments. Bimonthly tuition payments cannot be “paused” during the normal school year. Spots or placement within a class cannot be held or guaranteed for students who wish to withdraw and re-enroll within the school year.  All re-enrollments are subject to $50.00 processing fee and are subject to availability within the given class. Year End Performance Costumes are not ordered for students who are NOT enrolled at the time that costumes are ordered.


Girls: black leotard in any style, pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair should be in a ballet bun, neatly pulled back from the face for class.

Boys: white t-shirt with black tights, jazz pants, or shorts and black ballet shoes.

Warmups such as sweaters and leg warmers are permitted in class at the discretion of the instructor.

Modern & Contemporary

Girls: leotard in any color/style, solid colored footless or capri tights (no tan or pink tights). Bare feet, no shoes. Hair must be pulled back from face in ponytail or similar style.

Boys: t-shirt with black tights, jazz pants, or shorts. Bare feet, no shoes.

Jazz & HipHop

Girls: leotard in any color/style with solid colored tights or jazz pants. Jazz Oxfords or sneakers (no street sneakers permitted). Hair must be pulled back from face in ponytail or similar style.

Boys: white athletic t-shirt with jazz pants or shorts. Jazz Oxfords or sneakers (no street sneakers permitted).


Girls: leotard in any color/style with solid colored tights or jazz pants. Black tap shoes. Hair must be pulled back from face in ponytail or similar style.

Boys: solid-colored t-shirt with jazz pants. Black tap shoes.

Annual Year-End Performance

At the end of the school year, Southern New Hampshire Dance Theater presents its annual Year-End Performances. All dancers attending regular classes at the Southern New Hampshire Dance Theater are invited to participate.

Traditionally, three separate age-based shows are presented; a Pre-School Performance featuring our youngest performers ages 2 to 6. A Matinee Performance showcasing our graded ballet program (levels 1 thru 4) along with our tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary and modern dance programs. Lastly, an Evening program is presented featuring the upper levels or our ballet program along with members of Southern New Hampshire Youth Ballet. This allows us to keep the shows time-sensitive for families with little ones.

More specific information will be provided to registered students in January!

Our Policies

Class Observation
Parents and guests are welcome to view their children’s classes at any time through the studio’s observation windows. Those who wish to observe in the classroom must receive permission from the instructor in advance. During Parent Peek Week, Parents are invited to watch classes at all levels so that they may become familiar with the school and the progression of instruction.

Withdrawal Policy All tuition payments are non-refundable. any and all cancellations or withdrawals require a 30-day notification and are subject to a cancellation or early withdrawal fee. Refunds are not given for classes missed or unattended. We recommend students make-up any canceled or missed classes by attending another class of similar level & duration or as recommended by your instructor. As a reminder, bimonthly tuition is the year’s tuition divided into 5 equal payments. Bimonthly tuition payments cannot be “paused” during the normal school year. Spots or placement within a class cannot be held or guaranteed for students who wish to withdraw and re-enroll within the school year.  All re-enrollments are subject to $50.00 processing fee and are subject to availability within the given class. Year End Performance Costumes are not ordered for students who are NOT enrolled at the time that costumes are ordered.

Parent/Teacher Conference
We encourage parents and students to call our studios any time they have questions or concerns. Consideration for both the parent and student is of utmost importance to our staff. For extended conferences with instructors, we encourage parents to call the school to arrange for a meeting. Please keep in mind that teachers are often scheduled to teach consecutive classes. The need to begin and end class on time does not always allow ample time for faculty to meet with parents in between classes. Scheduled conferences will allow for a more comfortable setting.

Class Cancellation Due to Bad Weather
During inclement weather, Southern New Hampshire Dance Theater (SNHDT) will post any cancellations on the radio station website Students and parents may also call our office at (603) 625-9272, where a message will be left on the school answering machine in the event that classes are canceled. When possible, makeup classes will be scheduled for those classes canceled during bad weather.

Have questions about our policies? Call us at (603) 625-9272 for additional information!

Junior Company

The SNHYB Junior Company was established in 2019 for our younger dancers, ages 8-11, who are looking for additional performing opportunities outside of the annual recital. Having the opportunity to dance alongside the “big girls and boys” in children’s story ballets and original works is thrilling for Junior Company dancers!

Junior Company dancers perform in The Nutcracker, Spring Show, and Year End Performance. They work with master teachers and choreographers, rehearse with our faculty for each show, and wear exquisite costumes prepared by our wardrobe staff!



  • Learn new repertoire and story ballets from world-class choreographers

  • Perform in additional shows and touring opportunities
  • Network and be recruited by top training schools and dance programs
  • Train and perform at regional dance festivals hosted by Regional Dance America